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The GR.A.N.D. assists companies, public entities, local authorities and financial institutions, through the design, organization and provision of customized training modules, in order to provide the new skills and planning necessary for the development and implementation of the new efficient business model and to low carbon emissions that the European Green Deal today imposes on individual Member States within close time horizons - 2030 - or relatively close - 2050.


This new business model requires greater awareness of the risk underlying climate change and the high vulnerability of the current development model, losing the advantages in terms of efficiency and competitiveness of a green choice, which requires knowledge, design and implementation of actions and investments, both at the level of existing companies and at the level of promoting new investments that contribute to decarbonising production processes and activities, optimizing/increasing their profitability.


Today, knowledge of this new and different "point of view" with which to look at one's economic activity requires knowledge of the green world and renewable energy, from circular economy projects to sustainable mobility, from zero-emission construction to digitalisation and decarbonization, from the hydrogen economy to energy efficiency, from the short food chain to the renewable energy community, from biogas to geotemia.


GR.A.N.D. training, with a training catalog of over 50 modules, today offers the possibility of knowing and deepening what is needed to understand and implement the "new" point of view and, if possible, also the "new" business model. The training offered - which is characterized by a wide flexibility of adaptation to the specific needs of the users - is carried out by a wide range of professionals from the academic, institutional, consultancy and entrepreneurial world and can be supported by a network of relationships (the Community) which allows you to always be updated in operational terms.




GR.A.N.D. is able to offer consultancy and assistance to companies for access to National and European Funds for the creation of investments - greenfield and/or brownfield for existing companies - in the manufacturing and green and circular economy sectors.  


GR.A.N.D. can support all companies that intend to seize the opportunities that the new European programming 2021-2027 of the Community Funds and the PNRR make available in the coming years in the context of decarbonization projects, sustainability of the production cycle, renewable energy and circular economy.


In addition to training activities - the company's core business - the strong point of GR.A.N.D. it is not only the internal know-how but its ability to have built a network of subjects and actors specialized in assistance and consultancy, also in accessing the benefits available at national and community level also through collaboration agreements with specific consultancy companies on the subject.







The GR.A.N.D., through the signing of partnerships with the most important companies/associations in the world of Green economy and Renewable Energy, offers the possibility of joining a network of contacts, knowledge and actions that support the path outlined and now initiated by the Green Deal for the entire European economy.


The objective is to create an International Community for a cultural change that involves the world of businesses, local authorities, professionals, the world of finance, as well as individual citizens, for a new model of sustainable, democratic development with distributed energy, of social justice and equity to respond to climate change, the energy, economic and social crisis, through the development and adoption of renewable technologies and hydrogen for an energy transition and decarbonisation process.


The GR.A.N.D. wants to place young people at the center of the Community for their involvement in actions to fight climate change, recognizing their fundamental contribution to the ecological transition and the protection of the planet as a common good.


Prof. J. Rifkin has been an advisor to the European Commission since 2006 on the issues of energy transition until being the inspirer of the Green Deal, with the publication of his book "A Global New Green Deal".

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