​Scientific Committee
​​The GR.A.N.D. Scientific Committee, chaired by Prof. Livio De Santoli - Pro-Rector for Sustainability of La Sapienza University, is made up of expert professionals with interdisciplinary skills, coming from the academic, institutional, entrepreneurial and consultancy world, ensuring a training of excellence and the development of a training proposal for a new efficient and low-carbon business model.
The Committee's objectives also include the strategic direction of the actions to be undertaken with Italian and European institutions for an energy transition and decarbonisation process.
Davide Astiaso
General Secretary ANEV

Domenico Cerruti
CEO Eway Finance
Bruno Della Vedova
President of U.G.I.
Vittorio Calaprice
European Commission official

Fabio Roggiolani
President Ecofuturo
Alessandra Scognamiglio
Expert in Sustainable Agrivoltaics
Lorenzo Pastore
Secretary of the Committee

Fabio Roggiolani
President Ecofuturo
Fabio Roggiolani
President Ecofuturo
Fabio Roggiolani
President Ecofuturo
Fabio Roggiolani
President Ecofuturo