The GR.A.N.D., through the signing of partnerships with the most important companies/associations in the world of Green economy and Renewable Energy, offers the possibility of joining a network of contacts, knowledge and actions that support the path outlined and now initiated by the Green Deal for the entire European economy.
The objective is to create an International Community for a cultural change that involves the world of businesses, local authorities, professionals, the world of finance, as well as individual citizens, for a new model of sustainable, democratic development with distributed energy, of social justice and equity to respond to climate change, the energy, economic and social crisis, through the development and adoption of renewable technologies and hydrogen for an energy transition and decarbonisation process, as seen by Jeremy Rifkin.
Prof. J. Rifkin has been an advisor to the European Commission since 2006 on the issues of energy transition until being the inspirer of the Green Deal, with the publication of his book "A Global New Green Deal".